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We the Bees

At Sincerely, The Bees, we’re committed to offering quality products and unparalleled service. Each candle is handcrafted and is made of 100% Beeswax with ceramic vessels.  

Since the Pandemic of 2020, we the bees have been working hard to provide candles that smell amazing and help save the planet.


We are dedicated to reducing waste and reusing our everyday objects and containers to make the world smell better and shine brighter. What started as a hobby has become our passion.


If you have a cup, mug, or jar that may be chipped or dinged, we the bees, would be happy to turn it into a stunning candle to keep the memory alive. 


DM or email us if you have any vessel or a custom scent that you would like us to transform into a custom candle! 



 The Bees 

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